Messaging Principles

Idempotent consumers


Consuming one or more messages (in the same order) more than once, leads to the same end state in the consumer.


The receiver of a request performs an operation in such a way that it produces the same result even if it is performed multiple times. Thus, if the same message is received multiple times, the receiver will deal with it in a safe manner. In a consumer of messages, once all have been processed the last state received is the state of the system which is reflective of reality.


  • The consumer is responsible for the handling of duplicate messages to ensure the same end state is achieved.
  • The consumer should never assume that a message will be produced once, and once only.
  • The producer should help the consumer by including a sequence number and the consumer should track these


  • The receiver can use de-duplication and ignores the repeated message
  • The receiver can safely reapply the operation with the exact same results that the previous delivery caused
  • A consumer of messages may choose to track which messages have been processed and drop those which are duplicates
  • A consumer of messages may apply all messages that come in and accept that it will store audit logs that indicate values being updated to themselves
  • Event A (colour = red), event B (colour = blue), event C (colour = green), event B (colour = blue), event C (colour = green) leads to the colour being Green.

The state of the system is determined as follows:

Messages: A → B → C → A → B → C

System = A + B + C


Last updated on 28 Aug 2020