Messaging Principles

Support Schema Evolution


Message schema evolution will be enabled with a version number in the header such that a consumer can decide whether it is capable of processing a message.


Message schema evolution or “versioning” is important from the start. With the version in the header, a consumer can peek at a message header without processing the message’s contents. A consumer can decide to process the message later via a replay queue if it does not support the version of the schema yet.


  • Consumers won’t have to contain if-else logic, extensive null-checks, etc. to handle variations in one type of message
  • Consumer code bases can clearly indicate what code is responsible for different shapes of the same message types
  • Teams producing messages will have to settle on a method for iterating on its versions
  • New versions will cause consumers to have to update their processing capability. This needs to be communicated but will be visible by unprocessed messages sticking in the broker.
  • Consumers will have to decide whether to keep messages in the queue or move them to a Dead-letter queue.


A sensible granularity for versioning is MAJOR.MINOR. A message header would contain:

  • schemaVersion: 1.4


Last updated on 28 Aug 2020